Solution for Joining a Zoom Meeting when you are unable to join

At present all transactions and businesses are carried out digitally. There are multiple apps that offer you video conferencing and ease of online education. Zoom is one such app that has gained popularity during these trying times. At times you are unable to join a Zoom meeting as this service is cloud-based. The host needs an account on Zoom, not those attending the meeting.

If you are unable to join a Zoom meeting follow the listed steps to troubleshoot the problem.

Fix Error of ‘Unable to Join Meeting’

You need to ensure that the Zoom client is installed on your mobile device or the desktop. This needs to be updated.

You can receive any of the messages listed below

  • ID is on hold

The host of the meeting has put your ID on hold after enabling the waiting room. It is important that the host allows you in the meeting.

  • Wait for the Meeting to Start by the Host

If the meeting has not started by the host you will not be able to attend the meeting. The host needs to enable ‘join before host’ if you need to join the meeting early. Once the meeting has started by the host, automatically the joining mails are sent to him/her. It is possible that you are notified for joining the meeting after some time once the host has joined.

  • The Room Connector is not enabled for the Meeting

You might get the above error if you are trying to join a Zoom meeting through the video conferencing by an account that is free. You need to connect via your desktop or mobile device.

  • Enter Password before the Meeting

The password shard by the host needs to be entered before you join the meeting. You can contact the host if you have forgotten the password.

Other Reasons you are Unable to join a Zoom meeting

  1. The error, ‘Phone Dial-in not allowed in the meeting’ means that the host has allowed only VoIP audio. In such a scenario, you hear a message when you enter the ID and you get disconnected. You will be able to join the meeting through a desktop or a mobile.
  2. Some equipment used for video conferencing might not let you join a Zoom meeting as it has a password that is alphabetical and Zoom is a service that is cloud-based. You need to contact the host for instructions.
  3. An error, ‘Not meeting host (3,003) with the format means you need to change the ‘meeting’ to j in the URL link.

Following the listed steps can help you join a Zoom meeting from a free account.

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